Can computer supported collaborative Learning (CSCL) promote counter-stereotypical gender communication styles in male e female university students?
2014 Tomai, Manuela; Mebane, MINOU ELLA; Rosa, Veronica; Benedetti, Maura
Computers Supported Collaborative Learning as a tool to modify teaching methods and promote self-efficacy and social empowerment of university students,
2003 Francescato, Donata; Tomai, Manuela; Porcelli, R.; Mebane, MINOU ELLA; Andò, M.; Benedetti, Maura; Foddis, A.
Dispositional characteristics, relational well-being and perceived life satisfaction and empowerment of elders
2016 Francescato, Donata; Pezzuti, Lina; Mebane, MINOU ELLA; Tomai, Manuela; Benedetti, Maura; Moro, Annalisa
Dispositional variables, and relational contexts of successful aging.
2013 Francescato, D.; Pezzuti, L.; Benedetti, Maura; Mebane, MINOU ELLA; Tomai, M.
Do virtual groups experience less conflict than traditional teams?
2013 Tomai, Manuela; Mebane, MINOU ELLA; Rosa, Veronica; Ingravalle, V.; Benedetti, Maura
Enabling Manager Technology: The approach of the International Classification of Functioning and Health in school environment
2003 Micangeli, Andrea; Benedetti, Maura; S., Federici
Hospital Clown Therapy: a Study on its Impact in a Pediatric Surgery Department
2013 Benedetti, Maura; Francescato, Donata; Mebane, MINOU ELLA; Tomai, Manuela; Rosa, Veronica; Angrisani, L.
L'apprendimento collaborativo in setting on-line (cscl) per promuovere stili comunicativi controstereotipici di genere positivi in studenti universitari.
2012 Tomai, Manuela; Mebane, MINOU ELLA; Rosa, Veronica; Benedetti, Maura
Perceived obstacles and empowering factors influencing the wellbeing of residents in small towns and urban areas
2012 Francescato, Donata; Tomai, Manuela; Brancadoro, B.; Benedetti, Maura; Mebane, MINOU ELLA
Perceived strong points and problems of living in Italian city centers, suburbs and small towns
2011 Benedetti, Maura; Mebane, M.; Tomai, Manuela; Brancadoro, B.; Francescato, Donata
Percieved quality of life and sense of community of young, middle age and old resident of the city centers, suburbs and small towns
2012 Benedetti, Maura; Mebane, M. E.; Brancadoro, B.; Tomai, Manuela
Personality and relational characteristics of elderld, caregivers and family members and life satisfaction.
2012 Francescato, Donata; Pezzuti, Lina; Benedetti, M.; Mebane, M.; Tomai, Manuela
Personality and relational characteristics of elders, caregivers and family members and life satisfaction
2012 Francescato, Donata; Tomai, Manuela; Pezzuti, Lina; Benedetti, Maura; Mebane, MINOU ELLA
Promoting social capital, emporwerment and counter-stereotypical behavior in male and female students in on-line cscl communities.
2012 Francescato, Donata; Mebane, MINOU ELLA; Tomai, Manuela; Benedetti, Maura; Rosa, Veronica
Promoting Social Capital, Empowerment and Counter-Stereotypical Behavior in Male and Female Students in Online CSCL Communuties
2012 Francescato, Donata; Mebane, MINOU ELLA; Tomai, Manuela; Benedetti, Maura; Rosa, Veronica
Promoting social capital, empowerment and counter-stereotypical gender behavior in male and female students in online CSCL communities
2011 Francescato, Donata; Mebane, MINOU ELLA; Tomai, Manuela; Benedetti, Maura; Rosa, Veronica
Renewable energies and community empowerment in Aquila?s post-earthquake phase.
2009 Micangeli, Andrea; Evangelisti, Sara; Benedetti, Maura; Michelangeli, Emanuele
Umorismo e Salute: una sinergia possibile
2012 Francescato, Donata; Benedetti, Maura
Virtual communities in school as tools to promote social capital with high school students
2010 Tomai, Manuela; Rosa, Veronica; Mebane, MINOU ELLA; Dacunti, A; Benedetti, Maura; Francescato, Donata