Risultati 1 - 20 di 206 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.048 secondi).
A Europe without constitution
2005 Motta, Giuseppe
A vent'anni dagli accordi di Dayton
2017 Motta, Giuseppe
Abiti tradizionali e influenze francesi nella stampa romena (secc. XIX-XX)
2015 Motta, Giuseppe
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
2012 Motta, Giuseppe
Ad est dell'Europa. Storia, cultura e società tra età moderna e contemporanea
2004 Motta, Giuseppe
After Versailles. Territorializing Minorities Policies in Central-Eastern Europe
2013 Motta, Giuseppe
After Versailles. Territorializing the Minorities Policies in Central-Eastern Europe
2012 Motta, Giuseppe
AL FRONTE. La Grande Guerra fra interventismo, cronaca e soccorso
2018 Motta, Giuseppe
Alexander Moisiu University of Durres (Albania)
2012 Motta, Giuseppe
Alison Carrol, The Return of Alsace to France: 1918–1939, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2018; reviewed by Giuseppe Motta
2020 Motta, Giuseppe
Anti-Jewish Violence and Ukrainian Nation-Building The Jewish Communities in 1918–1920 in the Documents of the Joint Distribution Committee
2022 Motta, Giuseppe
Anti-Jewish Violence and Ukrainian Nation-Building. The Jewish Communities in 1918–1920 in the Documents of the Joint Distribution Committee
2023 Motta, Giuseppe
Anti-Semitism and Prejudice in the XX and XXI Century Europe
2015 Motta, Giuseppe
Ardeal. Le origini della Transilvania romena
2011 Motta, Giuseppe
Ardeal: la fine della Grande Guerra e il nuovo confine romeno-ungherese
2016 Motta, Giuseppe
Aspetti simbolici, storici e politici della visita di Papa Giovanni Paolo II in Romania
2004 Motta, Giuseppe
Basileus staff exchange mobility
2009 Motta, Giuseppe
Between Ideological Affinity and Economic Necessity. Romania and Nazi Germany before and during World War II
2021 Motta, Giuseppe
Between tradition and modernism. Romanian fashion reviews at the beginning of the twentieth century
2017 Motta, Giuseppe
2008 Motta, Giuseppe