A book review of G. Thompson and S. Hunston (eds.), System and Corpus. Exploring Connections, London-Oakville, Equinox Pub. Ltd., 2006. In Englishes.Letterature Inglesi Contemporanee.
2006 Ferrarotti, Laura
Caratteri socio-demografici del nisseno
1992 Ferrarotti, Laura; C., Corradi
E-JournALL (EuroAmerican journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages. Rivista elettronica: www.e-journall.org Fondazione della rivista: novembre 2013.
2013 Ferrarotti, Laura
Edwin Arlington Robinson: the Town and the People
2001 Ferrarotti, Laura
English in the Urban Linguistic Landscape from Lingua Franca to Lingua Symbol
2016 Ferrarotti, Laura
Farrell, Thomas S. C.. Reflective language teaching: from research to practice
2016 Ferrarotti, Laura
Foglie per un anno by Giorgio Melchiori, (su Englishes. Letterature inglesi contemporanee).
2008 Ferrarotti, Laura
I cangaceiros. I banditi d'onore brasiliani.
1993 Ferrarotti, Laura
It's like a novel: Oscar Lewis's Ethnographic Realism or the Writing of Everyday Life
2000 Ferrarotti, Laura
L'inglese nel paesaggio linguistico di Roma
2014 Ferrarotti, Laura
Language and Identity in the English Version of Italian University Webistes:Preliminary Research Results
2012 Ferrarotti, Laura
Language and identity in the English version of Italian university websites
2011 Ferrarotti, Laura
Language perception of foreign and local accents. The linguistic field theory
2019 DI FERRANTE, Laura; Pizziconi, Sergio; Ferrarotti, Laura
Language Varieties in the US: The Case of Hawaiian Creole English
2010 Ferrarotti, Laura
Le età della TV e il tempo come "tempo ritrovato"
2003 Ferrarotti, Laura
Leggendo "DuemilaUno"
1995 Ferrarotti, Laura
Linguistic landscape: Theory and practical applications in EFL and ESP
2022 Ferrarotti, Laura
Notes on the Comet 2024 Conference and reflections on the patients' narratives found on the websites al Johnson&Johnson and Novartis
2024 Ferrarotti, L.
Nuovo Mondo
2014 Ferrarotti, Laura
Oral Autobiography and Life Histories in Oscar Lewis
1988 Ferrarotti, Laura