Abortion and charter for the embryo between the ancient world and the third millenium
2014 Cilione, Marco
Abortive pollution in the sacred laws of Cyrene and Kos
2016 Cilione, Marco
Aristotle - Ἀριστοτέλης (ARISTOTÉLĒS, 384/3- 322/1 BCE) The revelation of tuberculosis in his zoological works
2022 Cilione, M; Martini, M; Zampieri, F; Riccardi, N; Brigo, F; Gazzaniga, V
Born to go hungry. Female physiology, ethics and dietetics from presocratics to late antiquity
2021 Gazzaniga, V.; Cilione, M.
Children in Greco-Roman society. Age, development, work and nosological relevance. A historico-medical perspective
2022 Cilione, M.; Iorio, S.; Gazzaniga, V.
Commentary on Raphael's the transfiguration
2023 Cilione, M; Frati, P.; Gazzaniga, V.; Fineschi, V.
Communicating disease, care and healing. The role of medical inscriptions and patient reports in temple medicine from classical antiquity to the roman imperial age
2023 Iorio, S.; Cilione, M.; Martini, M.; Zampieri, F.; Gazzaniga, V.
Conceptualizing disabilities from antiquity to the middle ages. A historical-medical contribution
2023 Cilione, M; Gazzaniga, V
Did Hippocrates know spina bifida?
2021 Cilione, M.; Gazzaniga, V.
Disability and migration routes. An explorative analysis among refugees hosted in Italy
2024 Tofani, M.; Marceca, M.; Valente, D.; Galeoto, G.; Ben Zina, M. A.; Salhi, I. S.; Elmadmad, K.; Tak Tak, H.; Gosling, J.; Mishra, S.; Gazzaniga, V.; Cilione, M.; Iorio, S.
Discutere di etica in tempo di pandemia
2020 Gazzaniga, V.; Cilione, M.
Feet and fertility in the healing temples: A symbolic communication system between gods and men?
2019 Cilione, Marco; Marinozzi, Silvia; Gazzaniga, Valentina
G. B. Morgagni among human pathology, forensic medicine and mummiology. The beatification of Gregorio Barbarigo of Padua
2020 Marinozzi, Silvia; Cilione, Marco; Gazzaniga, Valentina
Giorgio valla and the theory of perception between physiology and natural philosophy
2024 Cavarra, B.; Cilione, M.
History of medicine as a bridge between paleopathology and the medical humanities. New technologies applied to bioarchaeology. Reconstructing lifestyles in ancient Rome
2022 Iorio, S.; Catalano, P.; Giuffra, V.; De Angelis, F.; Martinez-Labarga, M. C.; Valenzani, R. S.; Facchin, G.; Cilione, M.; Gazzaniga, V.
Il Giuramento di Ippocrate. Le sue radici storiche e il rilievo per l'oggi
2016 Picozzi, Mario; Cilione, Marco
Il tempio, la piazza e la cattedra. L'osmosi tra l'alto e il basso nelle teorie embriogenetiche antiche
2022 Gazzaniga, Valentina; Cilione, Marco
Inégalités dans le domaine de la santé
2024 Iorio, S; Gazzaniga, V; Cilione, M; Tofani, M
L'astragalo di Dario
2017 Cilione, M.; Gazzaniga, V.
La fabbrica dei figli. I Greci e la τεκνοποιία nelle fonti epigrafiche e letterarie
2019 Cilione, M.; Gazzaniga, V.