Ancestral function of the phytochelatin synthase C-terminal domain in inhibition of heavy metal-mediated enzyme overactivation
2020 Li, M.; Barbaro, E.; Bellini, E.; Saba, A.; di Toppi, L. S.; Varotto, C.
Ascorbic acid and ozone: Novel perspectives to explain an elusive relationship
2019 Bellini, E.; De Tullio, M. C.
Biological responses to aridity in Mediterranean ecosystems: Stress and adaptation in mosses and lichens
2019 Paoli, L.; Bellini, E.; Di Toppi, L. S.
Biological responses to heavy metal stress in the moss Leptodictyum riparium (Hedw.) Warnst
2022 Maresca, V.; Bellini, E.; Landi, S.; Capasso, G.; Cianciullo, P.; Carraturo, F.; Pirintsos, S.; Sorbo, S.; Sanita di Toppi, L.; Esposito, S.; Basile, A.
Characterization and quantification of thiol-peptides in Arabidopsis thaliana using combined dilution and high sensitivity HPLC-ESI-MS-MS
2019 Bellini, E.; Borso, M.; Betti, C.; Bruno, L.; Andreucci, A.; Ruffini Castiglione, M.; Saba, A.; Sanita di Toppi, L.
Efficient utilization of monosaccharides from agri-food byproducts supports Chlorella vulgaris biomass production under mixotrophic conditions
2023 Angelini, Francesca; Bellini, Erika; Marchetti, Angela; Salvatori, Gaia; Villano, Marianna; Pontiggia, Daniela; Ferrari, Simone
Eukaryotic and prokaryotic phytochelatin synthases differ less in functional terms than previously thought: A comparative analysis of marchantia polymorpha and geitlerinema sp. PCC 7407
2020 Bellini, E.; Varotto, C.; Borso, M.; Rugnini, L.; Bruno, L.; Di Toppi, L. S.
Evolution and functional differentiation of recently diverged phytochelatin synthase genes from Arundo donax L.
2019 Li, M.; Stragliati, L.; Bellini, E.; Ricci, A.; Saba, A.; Sanita Di Toppi, L.; Varotto, C.
Glutathione and phytochelatins jointly allow intracellular and extracellular detoxification of cadmium in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha
2023 Bellini, E.; Bandoni, E.; Giardini, S.; Sorce, C.; Spano, C.; Bottega, S.; Fontanini, D.; Kola, A.; Valensin, D.; Bertolini, A.; Saba, A.; Paoli, L.; Andreucci, A.; Li, M.; Varotto, C.; Sanita di Toppi, L.
Novel Coronavirus: How Atmospheric Particulate Affects Our Environment and Health
2020 Sanità di Toppi, Luigi; Sanità di Toppi, Lorenzo; Bellini, Erika
Photosynthetic Efficiency of Marchantia polymorpha L. in Response to Copper, Iron, and Zinc
2023 Sorce, Carlo; Bellini, Erika; Bacchi, Florinda; Sanità di Toppi, Luigi
Photosynthetic traits and biochemical responses in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa duch.) leaves supplemented with LED lights
2021 Lauria, G.; Lo Piccolo, E.; Pellegrini, E.; Bellini, E.; Giordani, T.; Guidi, L.; Lorenzini, G.; Malorgio, F.; Massai, R.; Nali, C.; Paoli, L.; Remorini, D.; Sanita' Di Toppi, L.; Vernieri, P.; Landi, M.
Phytochelatin synthase de-regulation in Marchantia polymorpha indicates cadmium detoxification as its primary ancestral function in land plants and provides a novel visual bioindicator for detection of this metal
2022 Li, Ma; Leso, M; Buti, M; Bellini, E; Bertoldi, D; Saba, A; Larcher, R; di Toppi, Ls; Varotto, C
Responses to cadmium in early-diverging streptophytes (Charophytes and bryophytes): Current views and potential applications
2021 Bellini, E.; Betti, C.; Toppi, L. S. D.
Retaining unlogged patches in Mediterranean oak forests may preserve threatened forest macrolichens
2019 Fackovcova, Z.; Guttova, A.; Benesperi, R.; Loppi, S.; Bellini, E.; di Toppi, L. S.; Paoli, L.
The moss leptodictyum riparium counteracts severe cadmium stress by activation of glutathione transferase and phytochelatin synthase, but slightly by phytochelatins
2020 Bellini, E.; Maresca, V.; Betti, C.; Castiglione, M. R.; Fontanini, D.; Capocchi, A.; Sorce, C.; Borso, M.; Bruno, L.; Sorbo, S.; Basile, A.; Di Toppi, L. S.
The phytochelatin synthase from Nitella mucronata (Charophyta) plays a role in the homeostatic control of iron(II)/(III)
2018 Fontanini, D.; Andreucci, A.; Ruffini Castiglione, M.; Basile, A.; Sorbo, S.; Petraglia, A.; Degola, F.; Bellini, E.; Bruno, L.; Varotto, C.; Sanita di Toppi, L.
Tools for In Vitro Propagation/Synchronization of the Liverwort Marchantia polymorpha and Application of a Validated HPLC-ESI-MS-MS Method for Glutathione and Phytochelatin Analysis
2022 Giardini, Silvia; Bellini, Erika; Bandoni, Elena; Saba, Alessandro; Sanità di Toppi, Luigi
Trichormus variabilis (Cyanobacteria) Biomass: From the Nutraceutical Products to Novel EPS-Cell/Protein Carrier Systems
2018 Bellini, E.; Ciocci, M.; Savio, S.; Antonaroli, S.; Seliktar, D.; Melino, S.; Congestri, R.