A few remarks about the variety of irreducible plane curves of given degree and genus
1983 Arbarello, Enrico; M., Cornalba
Abelian varieties, infinite dimensional Lie Algebras and the heat equation
1991 Arbarello, Enrico; DE CONCINI, C.
Abelian varieties, infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, and the heat equation
1991 Arbarello, Enrico; DE CONCINI, Corrado
Alcune osservazioni sulle curve appartenenti a una data superficie algebrica
1975 Arbarello, Enrico
An analytical translation of a criterion of Welters and its relation with the KP hierarchy
1983 Arbarello, Enrico
Another proof of a conjecture of S.P. Novikov on Periods of Abelian Integrals on Riemann Surfaces
1988 Arbarello, Enrico; DE CONCINI, Corrado
Calculating cohomology groups of moduli spaces of curves via algebraic geometry
1998 Arbarello, Enrico; Cornalba, M.
Canonical curves and quadrics of rank 4
1981 Arbarello, Enrico; J., Harris
Characterizing Jacobians via flexes of the Kummer variety
2006 Arbarello, Enrico; I., Krichever; G., Marini
Combinatorial and algebro-geometric cohomology classes on moduli spaces of curves
1996 Arbarello, Enrico; M., Cornalba
Divisors in the moduli spaces of curves
2009 Arbarello, Enrico; Maurizio, Cornalba
Fay's Trisecant Formula and a Characterization of Jacobian Varieties
1987 Arbarello, Enrico
Footnotes to a paper of B. Segre: the number of g 's on a general d-gonal curve and the unirationality of the Hurwitz space of 4-gonal and 5-gonal curves
1981 Arbarello, Enrico; M., Cornalba
Geometria Numerativa, Invarianti di Gromov-Witten e moduli delle curve algebriche
2003 Arbarello, Enrico
Geometrical aspects of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation
1990 Arbarello, Enrico; DE CONCINI, Corrado
Geometry of Algebraic Curves: Volume II with a contribution by Joseph Daniel Harris
2011 Arbarello, Enrico; Maurizio, Cornalba; Phillip, Griffiths
Introduction to Kontsevich's result on Deformation-Quantization of Poisson Structures
1999 Arbarello, Enrico
Jenkins-Strebel differentials
2010 Arbarello, Enrico; Maurizio, Cornalba
La congettura di Petri nel caso delle curve piane
1979 Arbarello, Enrico; M., Cornalba
Moduli Spaces of Curves and Representation Theory.
1988 Procesi, Claudio; Arbarello, Enrico; DE CONCINI, C.; KAC), V.