FORTE, Francesco
FORTE, Francesco
A game theoretic approach to cross-border VAT evasion within EU member states and its relationship with the black economy
2011 Fedeli, Silvia; Forte, Francesco
A game theoretic approach to cross-border VAT evasion within EU member states and its relationship with the black economy
2012 Fedeli, Silvia; Forte, Francesco
A survival analysis of the circulation of the political elites governing Italy from 1861 to 1994
2013 Fedeli, Silvia; Forte, Francesco
Border tax adjustment without borders: The EU carousel of VAT fraud
2012 Fedeli, Silvia; Forte, Francesco
Deficits, tax burden and unemployment.
2014 Fedeli, Silvia; Forte, Francesco
Higher education as private good and as quasi public good: The case of Italy
2013 Fedeli, Silvia; Forte, Francesco
Il “modus vivendi” in una societa’ pluralista: significato, costi, limiti e possibilita’
2001 Fedeli, Silvia; Forte, Francesco
Impatto della regola di un vincolo di bilancio corretto per l’output gap, e rapporto debito/Pil, nell’analisi di Steve del 1950 e nella problematica attuale. Una verifica empirica sui paesi OCSE ed Europei
2018 Beqiraj, Elton; Fedeli, Silvia; Forte, Francesco
In search of the laws of access and survival of the members of the Italian Parliament in relation to their party affiliation (1946-2011)
2013 Fedeli, Silvia; Forte, Francesco
2003 Fedeli, Silvia; Forte, Francesco
International VAT frauds: The carousel game
2011 Fedeli, Silvia; Forte, Francesco
Joint income-tax and VAT-chain evasion.
1999 Fedeli, Silvia; Forte, Francesco
Minimising frustrations’ versus median voter’s equilibria. A reasonable choice procedure.
2002 Fedeli, Silvia; Forte, Francesco
Opportunism and MPs’ chances of re-election: an analysis of political transformism in the Italian parliament
2022 Brancati, E.; Fedeli, Silvia; Forte, Francesco; Leonida, L.
Public budgetary rules and GDP growth. An empirical study on OECD and twelve European countries
2018 Fedeli, Silvia; Beqiraj, Elton; Forte, Francesco
Public Debt and unemployment growth: The need of new fiscal-monetary rules. Evidence from OECD countries
2012 Fedeli, Silvia; Forte, Francesco
Public debt sustainability. An empirical study on OECD countries
2018 Beqiraj, Elton; Fedeli, Silvia; Forte, Francesco
The Impact of the Electoral System and of Other Political Institutions on Public Debt and Government Finances in Italy
2003 Fedeli, Silvia; Forte, Francesco
The law of survival of the political class. An analysis of the Italian parliament (1946-2010)
2010 Fedeli, Silvia; Forte, Francesco
The law of survival of the political class: an analysis of the Italian Parliament (1946-2010)
2011 Fedeli, Silvia; Forte, Francesco