DI IORIO, Angela
DI IORIO, Angela
A database of alimurgical plants in Italy
2018 Bufano, Annarita; Paura, Bruno; DI IORIO, Angela; Brugiapaglia, Elisabetta
A Digital Infrastructure for Trustworthiness: The Sapienza Digital Library Experience
2014 DI IORIO, Angela; Schaerf, Marco; Guercio, Maria; Ortolani, Silvia; Matteo, Bertazzo
A semantic model for content description in the sapienza digital library
2016 DI IORIO, Angela; Schaerf, Marco
Addressing the tacit knowledge of a digital library system
2018 Di Iorio, Angela; Schaerf, Marco
Applicability of digital library descriptive metadata to the contemporary artworks: The Sapienza digital library case study
2013 DI IORIO, Angela; Schaerf, Marco
Establishing a digital library in wide-ranging university's context: The Sapienza Digital Library experience
2013 DI IORIO, Angela; Schaerf, Marco; Matteo, Bertazzo
Expressing the tacit knowledge of a digital library system as linked data
2019 Di Iorio, A.; Schaerf, M.
I Metadati
2014 DI IORIO, Angela
Identification Semantics for an Organization Establishing a Digital Library System
2014 DI IORIO, Angela; Schaerf, Marco
Learning PREMIS Knowledge Base: a Tool for Humans and Machines
2018 DI IORIO, Angela; Schaerf, Marco
PREMIS 3 OWL Ontology: Engaging sets of linked data
2018 Blair, Charles; Bountouri, Lina; Caron, Bertrand; Cowles, Esmé; DI IORIO, Angela; Guenther, Rebecca; Mclellan, Evelyn; Russey Roke, Elizabeth
PREMIS 3.0 Ontology: Improving Semantic Interoperability of Preservation Metadata
2016 DI IORIO, Angela; Caron, Bertrand
Providing Proof of Trustworthiness Reconstructing Digital Objects’ Custody Chain
2014 DI IORIO, Angela; Schaerf, Marco
The Organization information integration in the management of a Digital Library System
2014 DI IORIO, Angela; Schaerf, Marco
The Sapienza Digital Library from the Holistic Vision to the Actual Implementation
2014 Catarci, Tiziana; DI IORIO, Angela; Schaerf, Marco