LUSTRINO, Michele  


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3-D numerical constraints for the Triassic mafic igneous system of Antalya (SW Turkey). Magma generation associated with southern Neotethyan slow seafloor spreading 2022 Karaoglu, O.; Erkul, F.; Erkul, S. T.; Lustrino, M.
A tentative recostruction of the Phanerozoic geodynamic evolution of circum-Italian realm. The processes that changed the subcontinental European mantle 2000 Lustrino, Michele
Alpine subduction imprint in Apennine volcaniclastic rocks. Geochemical-petrographic constraints and geodynamic implications from Early Oligocene Aveto-Petrignacola Formation (N Italy) 2012 Michele, Mattioli; Lustrino, Michele; Ronca, Sara; Gianluca, Bianchini
Alpine Tethys closure as revealed by amphibole-rich mafic and ultramafic rocks from the Adamello and the Bergell intrusions (Central Alps) 2014 Tiepolo, Massimo; Tribuzio, Riccardo; Ji, Wei Qiang; Wu, Fu Yuan; Lustrino, Michele
Ancient fungal life in north Pacific Eocene Oceanic crust 2003 Schuman, G.; Manz, W.; Reitner, J.; Lustrino, Michele
Ancient fungal life in North Pacific eocene oceanic crust 2004 G., Schumann Kindel; Werner, Manz; Joachim, Reitner; Lustrino, Michele
Beginning of the Apennine subduction system in central western Mediterranean: Constraints from Cenozoic "orogenic" magmatic activity of Sardinia, Italy 2009 Lustrino, Michele; Vincenzo, Morra; Lorenzo, Fedele; Luigi, Franciosi
Ca-rich carbonates associated with ultrabasic-ultramafic melts. Carbonatite or limestone xenoliths? A case study from the late Miocene Morron de Villamayor volcano (Calatrava Volcanic Field, central Spain) 2016 Lustrino, Michele; Prelević, Dejan; Agostini, Samuele; Gaeta, Mario; Di Rocco, Tommaso; Stagno, Vincenzo; Capizzi, Luca Samuele
Carbonate assimilation of ultrabasic magma: The Pleistocene Cupaello kamafugitic volcano (central Italy) 2022 Lustrino, Michele; Pistocchi, Lorenzo; Ronca, Sara; Innocenzi, Francesca; Agostini, Samuele
Carbonatite and ultrabasic magmatism at Toro Ankole and Virunga, western branch of the East African Rift system 2023 Innocenzi, Francesca; Ronca, Sara; Foley, Stephen; Agostini, Samuele; Lustrino, Michele
Caveats on tomographic images 2013 Gillian R., Foulger; Giuliano F., Panza; Irina M., Artemieva; Ian D., Bastow; Fabio, Cammarano; John R., Evans; Warren B., Hamilton; Bruce R., Julian; Lustrino, Michele; Hans, Thybo; Tatiana B., Yanovskaya
Clinopyroxene and perovskite partition coefficients in kamafugitic rocks 2003 D'Amelio, F.; Ruberti, E.; Gomes, C. B.; Lustrino, Michele; Melluso, L.; Morbidelli, L.; Morra, V.
Clinopyroxene/liquid trace element partitioning in natural trachyte–trachyphonolite systems: insights from Campi Flegrei (southern Italy) 2009 Fedele, L; Zanetti, A.; Morra, V.; Lustrino, Michele; Melluso, L.; Vannucci, R.
Comment on "high-pressure melting experiments on garnet clinopyroxenite and the alkalic to tholeiitic transition in ocean-island basalts" by Keshav et al. [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 223 (2004) 365-379] 2006 Lustrino, Michele
Composition, petrography, and mineral chemistry of ODP Site 1224 Eocene ferrobasalts (Leg 200; North Pacific Ocean). 2006 Lustrino, Michele
Compositional variations of Plio-Quaternary magmatism in the circum-Tyrrhenian area: deep versus shallow mantle processes 2005 Angelo, Peccerillo; Lustrino, Michele
Compositional variations of the Plio-Quaternary magmatism in the circum-Tyrrhenian area: deep- vs. shallow-mantle processes 2004 Peccerillo, A; Lustrino, Michele
Concurrent adakitic and non-adakitic Late Miocene-Quaternary magmatism at the Sahand volcano, Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Arc (NW Iran) 2023 Fedele, L.; Mehdipour Ghazi, J.; Agostini, S.; Ronca, S.; Innocenzi, F.; Lustrino, M.
Constraints on the formation of basaltic magmas. Comment on “Lithosphere thickness controls the extent of mantle melting, depth of melt extraction and basalt compositions in all tectonic settings on Earth – a review and new perspectives” – by Niu Y. (2001) 2022 Lustrino, M.; Foulger, G. R.; Hole, M.; Natland, J. H.
Coupled lithospheric and asthenospheric control on the genesis of the Serra do Mar Igneous Province. The late Cretaceous alkaline massif of Poços de Caldas (SP-MG, SE Brazil) 2004 Lustrino, Michele; Brotzu, P; Dallai, L; Giordano, R; GOMES CELSO, B; Melluso, L; Morbidelli, L; Ruberti, E; Tassinari, C. C. G.