Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.418
EU - Europa 882
AS - Asia 370
SA - Sud America 11
AF - Africa 4
Totale 2.685
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.395
IT - Italia 632
SG - Singapore 129
IN - India 115
CN - Cina 82
FI - Finlandia 50
GB - Regno Unito 46
SE - Svezia 42
DE - Germania 25
UA - Ucraina 23
CA - Canada 18
FR - Francia 15
KR - Corea 12
IE - Irlanda 9
ID - Indonesia 7
NL - Olanda 7
PL - Polonia 7
AR - Argentina 6
IR - Iran 5
BE - Belgio 4
ES - Italia 4
RO - Romania 4
CH - Svizzera 3
HK - Hong Kong 3
MX - Messico 3
PK - Pakistan 3
RU - Federazione Russa 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
VN - Vietnam 3
BR - Brasile 2
CO - Colombia 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
GP - Guadalupe 2
HU - Ungheria 2
IL - Israele 2
JP - Giappone 2
SC - Seychelles 2
TR - Turchia 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AT - Austria 1
CL - Cile 1
DK - Danimarca 1
GR - Grecia 1
MA - Marocco 1
MY - Malesia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 2.685
Città #
Rome 244
Fairfield 159
Chandler 127
Salerno 97
Singapore 95
Santa Clara 89
Woodbridge 83
Wilmington 79
Ann Arbor 72
Cambridge 72
Ashburn 71
Houston 64
Beijing 61
Princeton 60
Seattle 54
Plano 52
Millbury 46
San Paolo di Civitate 33
Lawrence 19
Los Angeles 18
Andover 16
New York 14
Norwalk 14
Southend 14
Boston 13
Latina 12
San Mateo 10
Des Moines 9
Dublin 9
Jacksonville 9
San Diego 9
Toronto 9
Velletri 9
Dongdaemun-gu 8
L’Aquila 8
Torino 8
Bari 7
Bologna 7
Cagliari 7
Falls Church 7
Ottawa 7
Plymouth 7
Bühl 6
Davis 6
Dijon 6
Federal 6
Jakarta 5
Brussels 4
Falkenstein 4
Milan 4
Rovereto 4
Aţ Ţuwāl 3
Florence 3
Frankfurt am Main 3
Hefei 3
Krakow 3
Mannheim 3
Mumbai 3
Napoli 3
Palermo 3
Amsterdam 2
Ancona 2
Antalya 2
Berlin 2
Boardman 2
Bogotá 2
Bremen 2
Brno 2
Budapest 2
Central 2
Cervia 2
Cesena 2
Chandigarh 2
Chennevières-sur-Marne 2
Forlì 2
Formello 2
Francavilla al Mare 2
Ho Chi Minh City 2
Hyderabad 2
Lagoa 2
Lappeenranta 2
London 2
Menlo Park 2
Montréal 2
Naples 2
Padova 2
Peckham 2
Pescara 2
Redwood City 2
Shanghai 2
South San Francisco 2
Stockholm 2
Vieux-Habitants 2
West Lafayette 2
Woodland Hills 2
Zhengzhou 2
Adelfia 1
Americana 1
Arlington 1
Barnsley 1
Totale 1.956
Nome #
Which Aspects of Elderly Living Conditions are Important to Predict Mortality? The Complex Role of Family Ties at Home and in Institutions 123
A unit level small area model with misclassified covariates 121
A Bayesian non parametric approach for bias correction for underreported data. 100
Bayesian Small Area Estimation 100
A Generalised Semiparametric Bayesian Fay–Herriot Model for Small Area Estimation Shrinking Both Means and Variances 98
Bayesian nonparametric disclosure risk estimation via mixed effects log-linear models 92
An Investigation of Hierarchical and Empirical Bayesian Small Area Predictors Under Measurement Error 90
Accounting for measurement error in small area models: a study on generosity 84
Bias correction for underreported data in small area mapping. 82
Physical Properties and Acid Neutralisation Capacity of Incinerator Bottom Ash - Portland Cement Mixtures 77
A Bayesian Hierarchical Model Approach to Risk Estimation in Statistical Disclosure Limitation 70
Bayes factor for non-dominated statistical models 69
Individual risk estimation in μ-Argus: a review 68
Exploiting Auxiliary Information in the Estimation of Per-Record Risk of Disclosure 64
The protective role of family ties and the mortality of older people: addressing the bias introduced by the selection of the institutionalized population 61
Italian household expenditure survey: a proposal for data dissemination 60
Determinants and geographical disparities of BMI in African Countries: a measurement error small area approach 59
The protective role of family ties on elderly mortality: addressing the bias introduced by the selection of institutionalized population 57
Improving Individual Risk Estimators 56
Variable  selection  in  small  area  model  with measurement error in covariates 55
A semi-parametric FayHerriot-type model with unknown sampling variances 53
Inferenza su una misura di associazione tra tempi di sopravvivenza bivariati. Tesi di Dottorato, Tesi di dottorato; Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di Statistica, Probabilità e Statistiche Applicate, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”. 50
Experiences on model based disclosure limitation 49
Model Based Disclosure Protection 49
Small Area Estimation with Covariates Perturbed for Disclosure Limitation 47
Assessing Bayesian Semi‐Parametric Log‐Linear Models: An Application to Disclosure Risk Estimation 47
Small area estimation with covariates perturbed for disclosure limitation 46
Unit level small area model with covariates perturbed for disclosure limitation 44
Bayesian Semiparametric SAE with Dirichlet Process priors 43
Semiparametric Bayesian SAE with Dirichlet Process Priors 42
A Bayesian Semiparametric Fay-Herriot-type model for Small Area Estimation 41
Use of Auxiliary Information in Risk Estimation 40
Assessing good fitting models in nonparametric disclosure risk estimation 39
A comment on “A theoretical basis for perturbation methods” by Krishnamurty Muralidhar and Rathindra Sarathy 37
An Investigation of Models for Under-Reporting in the Analysis of Violence Against Women in Italy 36
A mixture model for predicting football teams' performance 36
A Pogit model for underreported counts of violence against women in Italy 33
A Bayesian nonparametric approach to correct for underreporting in count data 32
On some Bayesian models for risk estimation in statistical disclosure limitation 32
Semiparametric Bayesian Small Area Estimation Based on Dirichlet Process Priors 31
Semiparametric Bayesian small area estimation based on the Dirichlet process prior 30
Bayesian semiparametric disclosure risk estimation via mixed effects log-linear models 29
A Bayesian approach to estimating the risk of disclosure for survey data 26
Assessing Risk in Statistical Disclosure Limitation 23
Disclosure risk estimation via nonparametric log-linear models 22
Model-based estimation of the re-identification risk of disclosure 22
Maximum entropy simulation for data protection 22
Nonparametric estimation with coarse data 21
Threshold Uncertainty in Modelling Extreme Values by the Generalised Pareto Distribution 20
Statistical Disclosure Limitation: an Overview of Issues and Methodological Solutions 20
Stimatori per piccole aree su web: un'esperienza open source 20
Semi parametric log-linear models for Bayesian re-identification risk assessment 20
ESSNET-SDC Deliverable Report on Synthetic Data Files (ESSNET project deliverable 7.1) 17
Some Remarks on the Individual Risk Methodology 16
PSD 2008 Privacy in statistical databases 16
Revision of Guidelines for the protection of social micro-data using individual risk methodology by S. Polettini and G. Seri (FP5 project "CASC" - Deliverable 1.2-D3) 16
Le tecniche di protezione per i dati individuali 15
Proposal for the creation of a micro-data file for research for Business Surveys - Part I (FP5 Project CASC Deliverable 5-D5) 14
Some experiences at Istat on data simulation. 13
Microdata protection via simulation 13
Totale 2.834
Categoria #
all - tutte 8.041
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 8.041

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020270 0 0 0 0 0 25 40 47 39 52 48 19
2020/2021179 25 11 2 25 3 15 3 39 32 9 10 5
2021/2022608 1 31 56 10 79 20 15 52 63 51 119 111
2022/2023466 117 82 36 47 40 29 8 23 30 4 38 12
2023/2024344 24 28 28 31 19 29 12 20 1 69 33 50
2024/2025273 14 31 35 42 139 12 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.834